席位数量:15 席
19 世纪末,犹太复国主义运动在世界各地兴起,各地的犹太人大 批移入巴勒斯坦。
第一次世界大战期间,巴勒斯坦沦为英国的“委任统治地”。英国 将其分为两部分:即以约旦河为界把巴勒斯坦分为东西两部分,东部 称外约旦(即今约旦王国),西部仍称巴勒斯坦(即今以色列、约旦河 西岸和加沙地带)。此后,世界各地犹太人开始陆续移居巴勒斯坦地 区。在犹太人纷纷涌入巴勒斯坦的过程中,犹太人与当地的巴勒斯坦 阿拉伯人发生过多次流血冲突。
1947 年 11 月,联合国通过联合国第 181 号决议巴勒斯坦分治决 议。决议规定,在 2.7 万平方公里的巴勒斯坦领土上建立犹太国和阿 拉伯国,耶路撒冷国际化。1948 年 5 月14 日,以色列国宣告成立。由于这项决议对土地的分割极为不公平,遭到巴勒斯坦人以及阿拉伯 方面的强烈反对,阿拉伯国家的票数一共只有六票,根本无力挽回。阿拉伯人反对该决议,拒绝建立阿拉伯国,导致了日后第五次巴以战 争的爆发。
根据分治决议的蓝图,阿拉伯国国土可达 11203 平方公里,约占 当时巴勒斯坦总面积的 43%,人口中阿拉伯人为 72.5 万人,犹太人为 10 万人;犹太国国土为14942 平方公里,约占巴勒斯坦总面积的 57%,人口中阿拉伯人为49.7 万人,犹太人为59.8 万人。决议还规定:成立耶路撒冷市国际特别政权,由联合国来管理。但分治决议 中的阿拉伯国(72.5万阿拉伯人,10万犹太人)的领土只占巴勒斯坦总面积的 43%,还拥有约旦河西岸的撒玛利亚山地(以法莲山,意为加 倍结果子)和犹大山地,犹太国(49.7 万阿拉伯人,59.8 万犹太人)有大片的内盖夫沙漠。分配不均所导致的恶果使得两个民族间结下了难以调和的矛盾,由于巴勒斯坦土地极度不公平的分割,导致阿拉伯国家与以色列交战,为双方带来了惨痛的损失。
冷战格局下,意识形态的交锋在物质世界引发了不断地涟漪。收到苏联支持的阿拉伯国家中深入了由美国等资本主义国家所支持的 以色列,使得巴勒斯坦地区直接处于两大阵营对阵的一线地区。越南战争的泥潭和苏联国力的发展使得世界陷入苏攻美守的大趋势,无疑给予了在之前战争中失败的阿拉伯人注入了一针强心剂。“通过武力 一次性解决中东问题。”成为了部分国家的真实写照。中东半岛再一次笼罩在战争的硝烟之下。
以色列方面,在第三次中东战争中取得了辉煌的胜利后,陷入了一种自满和麻痹的状态。他们低估了阿拉伯国家的军事实力和意志, 高估了自己的优势和安全。他们拒绝了任何关于撤出占领土或承认巴 勒斯坦人权利的提议,坚持要求阿拉伯国家先承认以色列的合法性。他们也忽视了萨达特对战争的公开威胁和预警,甚至在战争爆发前几个小时还没有采取任何紧急措施。
At the end of the 19th century, the Zionist movement rose around the world, and Jews from all over the world moved to Palestine in large numbers.
Palestine became a British "mandated territories" during World War I. The British divided it into two parts: Palestine was divided into two parts by the Jordan River, of which the eastern part was called Trans Jordan (the modern Kingdom of Jordan), and the western part was still called Palestine (the modern Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip). Since then, Jews from all over the world began to immigrate to Palestine. In the process of Jews pouring into Palestine, there were many bloody conflicts between Jews and local Palestinian Arabs. In November 1947, the United Nations passed the Resolution 181 on the partition of Palestine. The resolution provides for the establishment of Jewish and Arab states in 27,000 square kilometers of Palestinian territory and the internationalization of Jerusalem. On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was proclaimed. Because the resolution was extremely unfair in the division of the land, it was strongly opposed by the Palestinians and the Arab side, and the Arab votes were only six, and there was no way to save it. The Arabs opposed the resolution and did not establish an Arab state. Five Israeli-Palestinian wars were happened due to the result.
According to the blueprint of the partition resolution, the Arab State would cover 11,203 square kilometers, about 43% of the total area of Palestine at that time, with a population of 725,000 Arabs and 100,000 Jews. The Jewish state covers 14,942 square kilometers, about 57% of the total area of Palestine, with a population of 497,000 Arabs and 598,000 Jews. The resolution also stipulates the establishment of a special international regime for the city of Jerusalem, to be administered by the United Nations. But the Arab state (725,000 Arabs, 100,000 Jews) in the partition resolution was only 43 percent of the total area of Palestine, with the Samaria mountains (Mount Ephraim, meaning double fruit) and Judah in the West Bank, and the Jewish State (497,000 Arabs, 598,000 Jews) with the vast Negev desert. The consequences of the unequal distribution have led to an irreconcilable conflict between the two peoples, and the grossly unfair division of Palestinian land has led to a war between Arab states and Israel, which has brought terrible losses to both sides.
Under the pattern of the cold war, ideological confrontation in the physical world caused ripples. The Arab countries that received support from the Soviet Union went deep into Israel, which was supported by capitalist countries such as the United States, putting the Palestinian areas directly on the front line of the two camps. The quagmire of the Vietnam War and the development of the Soviet Union's national power made the world fall into the general trend of the Soviet Union attacking the United States and defending the United States, which undoubtedly gave the Arabs who had failed in the previous war a shot in the arm. "Solve the Middle East problem once and for all by force." It has become a true portrayal of some countries. The Middle East peninsula is once again shrouded in the smoke of war.
The Israeli side, having achieved a brilliant victory in the third Middle East war, has fallen into a state of complacency and paralysis. They underestimated the military strength and will of the Arab states, and overestimated their own advantages and security. They have rejected any proposal to withdraw from the occupied territories or recognize Palestinian rights, insisting that Arab states recognize Israel's legitimacy first. They also ignored Sadat's public threats and warnings of war, and did not take any emergency measures even hours before the outbreak of war.
When war comes, the situation has deteriorated rapidly become a regional crisis, had a profound influence on the global interest, is to discuss an integral part of the security situation in the history. Therefore, we are here to discuss and repeat this complicated and difficult journey, hoping to shed some light on your understanding of the world security situation and the hard-won peace.
Topic: The inclusion and solution of refugees
Committee: UNHCR
Delegation System: Double Delegation
Number of Delegation: 22
Rules of Procedure: Robert’s Rules of Procedure
With a dream of establishing a world where every person forced to flee can build a better future,The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has been working tirelessly to save lives and safeguard human rights. Through education, work coordination and other approaches, UNCHR has not only provided life-sustaining programs for refugees and people displaced by conflict or persecution in their countries, but played a crucial role in their transition, reintegration and rehabilitation. Currently, the number of refugees and the problems faced by UNHCR are even more serious.
At present, the Ukraine crisis continues to ferment. Sudan, Afghanistan, Myanmar, the Congo and other emergency situations occur frequently, war and conflict has made tens of billions of refugees forced to flee their homes, thrown to displacement and the unknown, which has given rise to the huge difficulty to get the basic food supply, reasonable resettlement, economic income etc. How to protect the basic rights of the refugees has become an urgent issue. The international community has yet to come up with better solutions to the remaining problems of transnational resettlement, education, identity, overgrowth and reintegration of refugees.
The Committee looks forward to the constructive solutions to the existing refugee problems based on the position of each country.
UNHCR welcomes you!
联合国难民事务高级专员公署(难民专员办事处)怀着建立一个世 界的梦想,使每一个被迫逃离的人都能建立一个更美好的未来,一直在不懈地努力拯救生命和维护人权。联合国难民署为难民和在本国因冲突或迫害而流离失所的人提供维持生命的方案,同时通过教育、工作协调和其他方式支持难民的过渡、重返社会和康复。在当前形势下,难民人数和难民专员办事处面临的问题更加严重。