
明日!盛大启幕!Tomorrow! Grand Opening!
Release date:2023-11-24 16:40:55   publisher:   office viewed:


Tomorrow! Grand Opening!



It's another year of harvest and another year of coolness!

At this special occasion of China Three Gorges University, the arrival of 2023 Batch International Students has added vitality to the China Three Gorges University! ! It's time for the new faces to show up!



I. Review of previous ceremonies      


Nov 21,2019, the 2019 Welcome Ceremony for CTGU International Students and the 16th Global University Network(N.E.W.S) Conference was held in the JuSong Concert Hall.



In March 2023, international students of 2022 ushered in a new study life after the "big test" of the epidemic, and opened a new chapter under the peach blossom of The China Three Gorges University.



II.A look into the new ceremony    


The international students of batch 2023 has arrived as promised, when the China Three Gorges University was celebrating the 100 years anniversary. On this special occasion, congratulations to the "lucky people" on their "journey" to study in China.

So what are the highlights of this ceremony?


1. 优秀学生代表发言

Speech by Outstanding student representative


China Three Gorges University International Students Association (ISA) is an important institution for students' self-management, self-education and self-service. The vice president of ISA GOUTHAM SANKAR is  diligent and eager to learn, with outstanding professional performance. He has always been playing an active role in bridging teachers and students.


2. 新生代表发言

Speech by Freshmen representative

来自埃塞俄比亚的爱丽(EFRATA YIRGA WODAJO)2017年来到中国,在完成本科阶段的学习后,美丽的宜昌和三峡大学吸引了她继续自己的求学之路。

EFRATA YIRGA WODAJO from Ethiopia came to China in 2017. After completing her undergraduate studies, the beautiful Yichang city and our University attracted her to continue her academic journey.


3. 直播环节,同一时间在钉钉app上同时直播。

The live session will be broadcast on the Dingtalk group at the same time.


4. 礼物




III.Event details

1. 时间:2023年11月24日14点

Time: November 24,2023 at 14:00

2. 地点:三峡大学求索报告厅(J楼4楼)

Venue: Qiusuo Lecture Hall of China Three Gorges University (the 4th floor, J - Building)


 New semester new life, a new session at CTGU. Let us eagerly wait for the arrival of the opening ceremony, see you tomorrow!

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