
三峡大学湖北省外国留学生奖学金项目申请指南 Application Guide of Hubei Provincial Scholarship for International Students, China Three Gorges University
Release date:2021-03-12 16:56:29   publisher:   office viewed:



I. Scholarship Introduction:

In order to encourage more international students to study in Hubei Province, Hubei Provincial Government has established the Hubei Provincial Scholarship for International Students and relevant regulations of management.







(1) 水利工程硕士和博士  

提供全额奖学金资助。硕士研究生生活费2500/月, 博士研究生生活费3000/

(2) 土木工程硕士和博士 地质资源与地质工程硕士

提供全额奖学金资助。硕士研究生生活费1000/月, 博士研究生生活费2000/

II. Scholarship Coverage & Standard:

Hubei Provincial Scholarships are provided for supporting tuition fee ONLY in principle. Scholarships standards are as below.

(1) Bachelor’s Undergraduate Scholarship is 10,000RMB/Year;

(2) Master’s Graduate Scholarship is 15,000 RMB /Year;

(3) Doctorate Student Scholarship is 20,000 RMB /Year;

The relevant colleges could offer full scholarship to the following programs:

(1) Master/PhD in Hydraulic Engineering

Full scholarship will cover tuition, accommodation, insurance and registration. Master’s student can receive the living allowance of 2500RMB/month; PhD student can receive 3000RMB/month.

(2) Master/PhD in Civil Engineering; Master in Geological Resources and Geological Engineering

Full scholarship will cover tuition, accommodation, insurance and registration. Master’s student can receive the living allowance of 1000RMB/month; PhD student can receive 2000RMB/month.


III. Degrees and Programs

(一)本科专业 Undergraduate Programs

1 机械设计制造及其自动化 Mechanical  Design, Manufacturing & Automation

2 金属材料工程 Metal  Materials Engineering (Mechanical Engineering Materials)

3 计算机科学与技术 Computer  and Communications Engineering

4 工商管理 Business  Administration

5 行政管理 Public Administration & International Relations

6 药学 Pharmacy

7 社会体育指导与管理 Social  Sports

8 光电信息科学与工程 Opto-Electronics Information Science and Engineering

9 数学 Mathematics

10 物理学 Physics

11 汉语国际教育 Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages

12 汉语言文学 Chinese Language and Literature

(二)硕士研究生专业 Master’s Programs

1 水利工程 Hydraulic  Engineering

2 土木工程 Civil  Engineering

3 地质资源与地质工程 Geological Resources and Geological Engineering

4 机械工程 Mechanical  Engineering

5 电气工程 Electrical  Engineering

6 控制工程 Control  Engineering

7 电子信息 Electronic and Information

8 计算机科学与技术 Computer  Science and Technology

9 信息与通信工程 Information  and Communications Engineering

10 临床医学硕士专业学位 Master  of Medicine (M.M)

11临床医学硕士专业学位 Master  of Medicine (M.M)

12公共管理 Public  Administration

13化学 Chemistry

14生态学 Ecology

15生物与制药 Biology and Medicine

16药学 Pharmacy

17生物学 Biology

18数学 Mathematics

19物理学 Physics

20电子信息 Electronic Information(Opto-Electronics Information Science )

21汉语国际教育 Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages

22中国语言文学 Chinese Language and Literature

23外国语言文学 Foreign Languages and Literature(Country and Area Study)

(三)博士研究生专业 Doctor’s Programs

1 水利工程 Hydraulic  Engineering

2 土木工程 Civil  Engineering

3 电气工程 Electrical  Engineering

4 管理科学与工程 Management Science and Engineering


IV. Eligibility





5. 有在华学习经历者需提供前一学习阶段的经历证明. 经历证明模板可从此处下载:http://eng.ctgu.edu.cn/DOWNLOADS.htm

(I) Eligibility for Bachelor’s Applicants
1. 18-25 years old; a valid foreign passport holder;

2. Chinese Friendly; in good physical and mental health; hardworking; academically excellent

3. High School Certificate in relevant discipline

4. HSK 3 or above certificate should be provided if applying for the Chinese –taught program, IELTS with 5.0 or above or other equivalent language proficiency certificate should be provided if applying for the English-taught program. Applicants who are from English speaking countries or received education more than 3 years in English can exempt from providing the relevant English language proficiency certificates.

Please refer http://eng.ctgu.edu.cn/info/1032/1465.htm for a list of English Speaking Countries)

5. Applicants who have studied in China should provide the Sample Certificate for the Experience of Studying in China from Previous school or university. Sample of the Certificate can be downloaded from http://eng.ctgu.edu.cn/DOWNLOADS.htm

() 研究生申请资格:

1.    持有有效的外国护照;来华攻读硕士学位者,年龄不超过30;来华攻读博士学位者,年龄不超过35;

2.    对华友好,身心健康,学习刻苦,成绩优异;

3.    具有相关专业背景的学士学位;

4.    申请中文授课项目要求提供汉语水平考试HSK4级证书,申请英文授课项目的非英语国家申请者要求提供雅思成绩5.0分及以上或等同于此水平的相关证明,申请人来自英语国家或接受过3年及以上英文教学课程可免提供英语水平证明。英语国家可参考链接:http://eng.ctgu.edu.cn/info/1032/1465.htm

5.  有在华学习经历者需提供前一学习阶段的经历证明。经历证明模板可从此处下载:http://eng.ctgu.edu.cn/DOWNLOADS.htm

(II) Eligibility for Postgraduate Applicants
1. A valid foreign passport holder; Master applicants should be no more than 30 years old; Doctoral applicants should be no more than 35 years old;

2. Chinese Friendly; in good physical and mental health; hardworking; academically excellent;

3. Bachelor’s degree holder for master applicants; Master’s degree holder for Doctoral applicants;

4. HSK 4 or above certificate should be provided if applying for the Chinese –taught program, IELTS with 5.0 or above or other equivalent language proficiency certificate should be provided if applying for the English-taught program. Applicants who are from English speaking countries or received education more than 3 years in English can exempt from providing the relevant English language proficiency certificates.

Please refer http://eng.ctgu.edu.cn/info/1032/1465.htm for a list of English Speaking Countries)

5. Applicants who have studied in China should provide the Sample Certificate for the Experience of Studying in China from Previous school or university. Sample of the Certificate can be downloaded from http://eng.ctgu.edu.cn/DOWNLOADS.htm


1.  请有意申请该奖学金的申请人在三峡大学国际学生管理服务平台(http://lsx.ctgu.edu.cn)完成在线申请,步骤如下:

1.1  用邮箱创建账号;

1.2  经邮箱核实 (账号创建后您会收到一封邮件,请检查您的邮箱);

1.3登录激活账户 (打开邮箱中的网址)


1.5  项目 (湖北省政府奖学金)---类型-选择相关的学科及专业;

1.6 填写以下相关信息并上传所有申报材料;

V. Application Steps:

1. Please finish the online application procedure at CTGU online Application System for international Students http://lsx.ctgu.edu.cn as the following steps:

1.1 Create an account with your email;

1.2. Verify by your email (you'll get an email, so please check your email box);

1.3. Sign in (by the website address in your email box) to activate your account;

1.4. Application online;

1.5 Program (Hubei Government Scholarship)--Type--choose the relevant department and major;

1.6.Complete the following relevant information and upload all the required documents;



电话:+86 717 6394999



地址: 三峡大学国际文化交流学院


Contact Information:

Ms. Xiao

Tel: +86 717 6394999

E-mail: admission@ctgu.edu.cn


Add: College of International Communications, China Three Gorges University

8 University Avenue, Yichang, 443002, Hubei, P. R. China.

网址: http://eng.ctgu.edu.cn/


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