
CTGU Bachelor of Computer Engineering and Communication Technology in English
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Bachelor of Computer Engineering and Communication Technology in English

Qualification awarded: Bachelor’s Degree

Faculty: College of Computer Science and Information Technology

Teaching language: Chinese and English

Duration: 4 years




Key courses

1. Signal Analysis and Processing

2. Communications Theory

3. Modern Switching Principles

4. Mobile Communication

5. Computer Network

6. Technology and Application of AVR Microcontroller

7. Principle and Design of Embedded System

8. Program Design of Mobile Intelligent Terminal

9. Short Distance Wireless Communication Technology

10. Digital Image Processing

11. Communications Theory Lab

12. Mobile Communication Lab

13. AVR Microcontroller Technology Practice

14. Embedded System Design Practice

15. Design of Short Distance Wireless Communication


Training objective  

The major is based on the communication and computer knowledge, it takes the way of cooperation with ZTE Corporation, training talented engineer who can be engaged in the field of communication, such as communications engineering research and design, equipment manufacturing and maintenance, communication network operation and technical management, or in other related professions engaged in the development of communication and information technology application.

Application documents:

1. Completed CTGU Application Form for International Students

2. Passport copy (Photo Page)

3. The highest academic certificate

4. Academic Transcript

5. Certificate of Physical Examination (6 months or above study period)

6. Bank statement of financial support



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