
“Office Talent” Office Software Application Ability Competition
Release date:2021-03-31 08:30:00   publisher:   office viewed:

International Students Office Software Application Ability Competition of CTGU Successfully Held


On the evening of March 8th, the final of the “Office Talent” Office Software Application Ability Competition for international students of CTGU was held in the Lecture Hall of the Geoscience Building. Mr. Chen Denghong and Mr. Chen Xinghua, both the professional teacher from the College of Civil Engineering & Architecture,as well as the PhD international student Lawali Moussa Laminou were invited as judges. There are 18 contestants online and offline presented their PPT designed according to the assigned theme,bringing a wonderful performance to the audience. After three hours of intense competition, the judges scored through the completion, accuracy and beauty of their PPT. At last, the awards and certificates were awarded according to the score conducted by staff on the spot. Finally, MD NAZRUL ISLAM(那佐) from the College of Civil Engineering & Architecture, who got “The Silk Road” Scholarship, won the first prize. NAFIZ AHMED from the College of Mechanical & Power Engineering and MD JOBAYER HOSSAIN from the College of Materials and Chemical Engineering received second prize. AMMAR BIN HALIMfrom the College of Civil Engineering & Architecture and PUSHPOM SARKER KABYO from the College of Electrical Engineering & New Energy were qualified for the third prize. Eight other students, including MD Mozahidul Islam, received the Excellence Award. After that, the contestants took a group photo with the staff, thus successfully ending the one-month “Office Talent” Office Software Application Competition for international students of CTGU.

3月8日晚,三峡大学来华留学生“OFFICE达人”办公软件应用能力大赛的决赛在地学楼报告厅顺利举行。比赛特邀土建学院专业教师陈灯红老师、陈兴华老师以及土木工程专业来华留学博士研究生LawaliMoussaLaminou担任评委,由18位从初赛中脱颖而出的选手依次通过线上和线下方式展示讲解按照指定主题自行设计的PPT,为观众们带来了一场知识与经验的盛宴。经过三小时的激烈角逐,评委根据PPT完成率、正确率及美观情况综合评判打分。最后工作人员现场进行了分数统计,依据初赛和决赛总得分高低评出各奖项并颁发了荣誉证书。最终来自土木与建筑学院的“丝绸之路”奖学金生MD NAZRUL ISLAM(中文名:那佐)获得一等奖,机械与动力学院NAFIZ AHMED和材料与化工学院MD JOBAYER HOSSAIN获得二等奖,土木与建筑学院AMMAR BIN HALIM、电气与新能源学院MD ARIF和PUSHPOM SARKER KABYO两名同学获得三等奖,MD MOZAHIDUL ISLAM等其他八位同学获得优秀奖。最后,参赛选手和工作人员合影留念,至此持续一个月的三峡大学来华留学生“OFFICE达人”办公软件应用能力大赛圆满落下帷幕。

This competition is one of the series of cultural activities for international students in 2021 winter vacation of CTGU and is hosted by the College of International Communications and organized by the College of Civil Engineering & Architecture. It attracts nearly 60 international students from nine colleges of CTGU to sign up for the competition, which is divided into two stages: preliminary competition and final competition. The preliminary competition in the form of offline consists of three parts: the first part is Word, which includes resume making, chart drawing, text editing, font format and page setting. The second part is Excel, mainly about data processing and function application. The third part is PPT, which mainly test the knowledges of picture insertion, textbox application, animation effect and so on. The final competition includes poster design, PPT production and presentation.


This competition not only aim to the application of Office, but also to implement education of different themes. For example, it is set the topic of home, the studying experience, China’s super buildings and so on. The competition not only broadens the vision of international students, enriches the cultural connotation, gets international students to know more about Office, but also fully mobilizes the enthusiasm of international students to study independently, which plays a positive role in cultivating international students with strong practical ability and who loves China.


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