
The fifth China Yichang City Citrus Festival and the 2015 China Citrus Academic Conference
Release date:2015-10-20 16:37:40   publisher:DIR   office viewed:

The fifth China Yichang City (Yiling District) Citrus Festival and the 2015 China Citrus Academic Conference was held in October 16, 2015. Yichang was named the town of Citrus.

The citrus festival includes the opening ceremony, artistic performance, products display and evaluation, opening ceremony of the Three Gorges Museum of Citrus, orange garden tour, oranges picking competition. Students and teachers from Three Gorges University also attended the Citrus Festival including teacher Tomas, Danish girl Michelle Ettrup and American girl Johnson Karima Mariama etc.

Students worked as a team representing China Three Gorges University (CTGU) and took part in the oranges picking competition. Tips for organs picking 1. Holding the orange in your left palm, and the scissor in your right hand; 2. The scissor should flatten itself against the carpopodium, and snip off one every time, the carpopodium of the picked-up orange should be flat and smooth; 3. Put the picked-up orange into the basket smoothly; do not crash them down onto the ground directly; 4. Do not hurt the branches and leaves; 5. Safety first, be careful with branches and scissors. Finally, the CTGU team was awarded gifts after the competition.

“We all enjoyed ourselves today and learned how to pick oranges. Study life in Yichang City, China Three Gorges University is really wonderful.” Said by one of the students.


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