
Professor Mukul Sarwar was appointed as the honorary professor of CTGU.
Release date:2015-11-03 16:46:04   publisher:DIR   office viewed:

In the morning of September 17th, 2015, Professor Mukul Sarwar, the Executive Director of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat, was appointed as the honorary professor of CTGU. The ceremony was held in the conference room in the Administrative Building. Huang Yingping, vice-president of CTGU, issued the letter of appointment for him.

On the ceremony, the vice-president Huang introduced the basic situation of CTGU to Professor Mukul Sarwar. The Professor thought that Yichang is developing into the transportation hub and global tourist attraction both in waterways and other transportation means, CTGU can take this advantage to seek more international cooperation and exchanges. The Professor hoped to take the opportunity to share his own experiences with all the teachers and students here, and discuss some new scientific issues.

After the ceremony, Professor Mukul Sarwar was invited to the College of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering and gave an academic lecture to the teachers and students .

Mukul Sarwar is the Executive Director of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat. He had served as leadership position on Pollution Control and International Cooperation Department of the Government of India, and enacted Pollution Reduction Policy Statement.


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